

1st Saturday (March 1st): KARAOKE
with Greg D.

2nd  Saturday (March 8th): PICTIONARY
with Jen R.

3rd Saturday (March 15th) BINGO
with Reed K.

4th Saturday (March 22nd) SPADES CARD TOURNAMENT
with Margie

Safety Statement for AA Groups

At the Alano club, we want to ensure a safe and comfortable environment. Please read the information presented on the safety card attachment. Every member has a right to feel safe in our meetings. If there is an issue, please see a board member for assistance. KEEP COMING BACK!

For a Disease of the Body, a Treatment of the Soul

Bill W at Stepping Stones making coffee

Men of genius conceive their best projects when drunk“, Wall Street analyst William Griffin Wilson once told his anxious wife. But his truly best idea came to him in 1935, six months into a hard-won sobriety. That’s when “Bill W.” kept himself from slipping back into alcoholism by confiding his condition to a fellow Vermonter who was fighting the same battle.

From this simple encounter in 1935 – two drunks confessing themselves “powerless over alcohol” but resolving to stay dry one day at a time – the organization known as Alcoholics Anonymous was launched. And in the wake of its success came a flotilla of self-supporting self-help groups intended to combat gambling, drug using, overeating and personal demons of all kind.